Non-linear system analysis
The bioenergetic analysis- and therapy system
Approved as "Medizinprodukt gemäß EU-Richtlinien I"
Take a glimpse into the multiple applications of the NILISA system.

Application: NILISA for analysis, therapy and biophysical drug test


Entropy scale of NILISA (optimal: organism equlibrated at levels 2-3)

Case study: Treatment of unknown chronicle disorders

Clinical history: Patient, 71 years old. For around 20 years unknown fever, till 38 °C per day. For around 7 years DS of borreliosis, several 6-weekly antibiotic treatments, no success yet. Disorders continue with general weakness, fever, pain and malaise.

Biophysical analysis

NILISA shows: You can see clearly neurohumoralic (nerve system) loads by borrelia, streptococcus and fungus with massive chemotoxic loads, focused on heavy metals with silver amalgam. In the blood the parasitic and bacteric factor is dominant.


Long term usage, with compliance and patience of patient neccessary. Already after two months you can clearly see a optimization of values. NILISA usage as effect.

The used natural antibacterial therapy treatment, whereby Rizols of Dr. Steidl are a main component. Also the whole biophysical drug test was done with NILISA.

The NILISA therapy belongs - like many other naturopathy practices - in the field of empirical medicine. Because it is not scientifically provable,it won't be accepted by the ruling doctrine of conventional medicine. All statements made about the effects, properties, and indications are based on the knowledge and experience of NILISA therapy.

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