Non-linear system analysis
The bioenergetic analysis- and therapy system
Approved as "Medizinprodukt gemäß EU-Richtlinien I"
NILISA features two expert systems, which provide reliable results on the functional health status and which are able to operate on the regulatory health system of the human-being.

Scientific background

After the frequency characteristics of the biological object were read, they are now compared to the size of the spectral similarity to sample processes. Through the additional analysis of the dynamics, the course of the pathological processes of biological structures and health status can be determined and predicted.

Evaluation of vibration patterns

A healthy organ has a different vibration pattern than a diseased one. The device samples the vibration pattern of the biophysical field of the people. By its high developed software it identifies vibrational differences between normal range and pathology.

Evaluation of the compensatory capacity

At the same time NILISA estimates the degree of entropy of the object to be examined. This will tell us whether a pathological condition runs compensated or already decompensated. This is for the possible therapeutic action of great importance.

The Russian secret sources were first made available and serve as the basis for the system. With the participation of Prof. Dr. Zyganow the understanding of mechanism of action was drawn up new and through the cooperation with other physicians and health practitioners in over 10 years of development it has been brought to perfection as a utility and training system.

Personal offer

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The NILISA team is happy to serve you anytime for questions about the system or distribution.

The NILISA therapy belongs - like many other naturopathy practices - in the field of empirical medicine. Because it is not scientifically provable,it won't be accepted by the ruling doctrine of conventional medicine. All statements made about the effects, properties, and indications are based on the knowledge and experience of NILISA therapy.

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